Wendy Ryan - Graduated in 2003. Wendy wrapped up a post-doc with Steve Kent here at the UofC and is now currently working as a post-doctoral researcher in the Boston area.
Carey Southern - Graduated in 2002. After a stint as a Dreyfuss Fellow at Amherst College, Carey has moved on and is now a professor at Worcester's College of the Holy Cross. Click here for Carey's website.
Shuo Jiang - Graduated in 1999. Working at Penn State University as a post-doc in Wolfgang Ernst's group |
Xin Wang - Graduated in 1998. Working for Lucent Technologies in Columbus OH |
Nikko Quevada - Graduated in 1997. Nikko worked for a while in the legal arena but has since gone back into academia and is now a professor at De La Salle University - Manila. Click here for Nikko's website. |
Ivan Yip - Now a professor at the University of Oklahoma doing work in various applications of Single-Molecule Spectroscopy. |
Jeff Elam - Doing Post-doctoral work in Boulder Colorado at the University of Colorado with Steven George's Group working on Thin Film Deposition |
Michael Tubergen - Graduated in 1991 now a professor at Kent State University doing high resolution microwave spectroscopy. Click on the link to see the Tubergen Webpage |
John Cable - Working as a professor at Bowling Green University's Center for Photochemical Studies doing jet spectroscopy on molecules of primarily biological interest. |
Thomas Rizzo - Post-Doc in the group from 1984 to 1986. Did the first work on
jet-cooled tryptophan and tryptophan derivatives. He is currently professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Click on the link for his web page. |
Linda A. Peteanu - A professor at Carnegie Mellon University performing work using Stark and Resonance Raman spectroscopy. |
Timothy S. Zwier - A professor at Purdue University Doing spectroscopy of a variety of a systems using Supersonic Expansion. Click on the link for Zwier Group Page |
Edwin Carrasquillo-Molina - A professor at University of Houston doing work in the dynamics and spectroscopy of molecules with high vibrational energy. |
Jonathan Kenny - A professor at Tufts University performing work in a variety of interesting areas. Click on the link for Kenny Group Page |